ChipQuest Technologies is one of the leading India based company offering ITES services to clients across the world. Highly skilled in-house team is capable of executing the task on various technical platforms, database and tools with less time, accuracy and speed. A customized service that may suit your requirements and error-free data process is the key element of ChipQuest Technologies.
ChipQuest Technologies will be a partner of choice by providing value to enable our customer's long-term sustainable growth.
ChipQuest Technologies will be a partner of choice by providing value to enable our customer's long-term sustainable growthChipQuest Technologies is committed to providing ongoing value to our customers. We leverage technology and implement best practices, to provide a range of high quality and cost-efficient Information Technology Solutions, from global locations enabling customers achieve their business goals.
We can convert hard copies, images, PDF to MS-Word, HTML, XML, E-Books & much more...quick, accurate & offered at competitive rates.
CHIPQUEST Technologies is a one-stop shop for data conversion services. We can convert your content (print or digital) into multiple formats. Our dedicated Projects team works on different forms of e-books for major publishers across the globe.
Our HTML5 team provides development services, including Flash to HTML5 conversion, HTML5 animation, HTML5 interactive assets and LMS integration, and HTML5 mobile web development.
Our dedicated team, equipped with the latest technology and processes, ensures a smooth workflow, excellent quality, and quick turnaround times. Our XML workflow can be customized according to client preference.